May 22, 2019 | Active Play, Children Playing, Fun and Games, Indoor Activities, Indoor Fun, Indoor Play, Indoor Playground, Kid Life, Kid Play, Kids Having Fun, Let Them Play, Open Play, Play, Play Ideas, Play Matters, Play Space, Playground, Playground Fun, Raising Children, Things To Do With Kids, Things to do with Kids in Utah, Utah Amusement Center, Utah Family Amusement Center, Utah Fun Center, Utah Indoor Playground, Utah Kids, Utah Kids Activities, Utah Play Dates, Utah Things to do With Kids
Photo by Juan Pablo Arenas from Pexels These days, it’s hard to come up with indoor activities for kids that don’t include screen time. It’s even harder to come up with things to do on a rainy day, when going outside isn’t a very attractive option. Here’s a list of...
May 16, 2019 | Active Play, Being A Kid, Childplay, Children Playing, Indoor Play, Kids Will Be Kids, Let Them Play, Open Play, Play Matters, Things To Do With Kids, Things to do with Kids in Utah, Utah Indoor Playground, Utah Kids Activities
We all want to be that grandma who can still show up the teenagers skateboarding as a septuagenarian, but a lot of the habits that keep you youthful have to start while you’re, well, youthful. One of the best habits for staying youthful is to get regular...
Apr 29, 2019 | Being A Kid, Kid Life, Kid Play, Let Them Play, Raising Children, Utah Indoor Playground
We think successful parenting is teaching our children how to read, do algebra, and tie their own shoes, but perhaps the most important life skill parents can teach kids is one that we often forget needs to be actively taught: optimism. It’s rare to meet a successful...
Apr 8, 2019 | Family Amusement Center, Family Entertainment Center, Family Recreation Center, Indoor Playground, Utah Indoor Playground
Spring break was a blast, but now you and your kids are getting back to the daily grind, and suddenly they don’t want to study anymore. Post-vacation blues are a real thing, and you don’t have to leave town to get them. Having time off helps us refocus on the things...
Mar 12, 2019 | Clean Play, Family Amusement Center, Family Entertainment Center, Family Recreation Center, Sanitary Play, Utah Indoor Playground
Image courtesy of If you’ve been to Coconut Cove, you know that socks are a big deal to us. Nobody goes on the playground without socks on. Why do we find these fuzzy foot friends so fabulous? Here are 4...
Mar 6, 2019 | Active Play, Being A Kid, Childplay, Children Playing, Creativity, Indoor Play, Kid Play, Kids Will Be Kids, Let Them Play, Play, Play Matters, Raising Children
Every parent wants to raise a genius, and for some parents, that can be a big pressure. The truth is, though, that even though you think of yourself as your kid’s teacher, in some ways, your child is already smarter than you. If you’re not sure about that, try taking...
Mar 4, 2019 | Active Play, Bedtime, Being A Kid, Childplay, Children Playing, Indoor Playground, Kid Life, Kid Play, Kids Will Be Kids, Let Them Play, Open Play, Play Matters
You do everything you can to help life go smoothly for your kids, but, just like adults, kids experience stress. Where Childhood Stress Comes From–And Why It Matters We feel stressed when we feel like we lack the resources or skills to meet all the demands...
Feb 25, 2019 | Active Play, Bedtime, Indoor Playground, Things to do with Kids in Utah, Utah Indoor Playground, Utah Things to do With Kids
Bedtime and naptime: Mommy’s best friends and your kids’ worst enemies. Kids need sleep–kids who sleep well have better grades, concentration, and weight control–but that doesn’t mean they have to like it. Most American kids get about 30 minutes to an hour...
Feb 23, 2019 | Active Play, Indoor Playground, Utah Indoor Playground, Utah Outdoor Playground, Utah Outdoor Playgrounds
The best way to raise healthy kids is to get them moving, running, jumping, climbing–active play. The neighborhood playground is the perfect place for that, right? Turns out, if your goal is to keep your kids healthy, they might be better off playing in a public...
Nov 22, 2018 | Utah Indoor Playground
Happy Thanksgiving! It’s the season for giving thanks🦃 Coconut Cove will be CLOSED THANKSGIVING DAY but open regular hours Wednesday and Friday (10 am-8pm)! Check out the Coconut Cove Holiday Schedule! and plan your next trip to Coconut Cove Indoor Playground! If...