Jul 8, 2021 | Active Play, Being A Kid, Childplay, Children Playing, Clean Play, Family Amusement Center, Family Entertainment Center, Family Recreation Center, Indoor Activities, Indoor Fun, Indoor Play, Indoor Playground, Kid Life, Kid Play, Kids Gym, Kids Having Fun, Kids Will Be Kids, Let Them Play, Open Play, Play, Play Matters, Playground, Playground Fun, Raising Children, Sanitary Play, Things To Do With Kids, Things to do with Kids in Utah, Utah Amusement Center, Utah Elementary School Activities, Utah Family Amusement Center, Utah Fun Center, Utah Indoor Playground, Utah Kids, Utah Kids Activities, Utah Things to do With Kids
During the summer with no P.E. to make them run laps, parents look for creative ways to help their kids exercise. Maybe that’s why there’s been a rising trend in some areas to open a kid’s gym. A kid’s gym—what a fun idea. If by gym we’re meaning gymnastics,...
Nov 17, 2020 | Active Play, Childplay, Children Playing, Clean Play, Creativity, Kid Life, Kid Play, Kids Having Fun, Kids Will Be Kids, Let Them Play, Open Play, Play, Play Ideas, Play Matters, Play Space, Playground, Raising Children, Utah Kids
Most parents don’t have to think hard to remember a time their kids got hurt playing. In fact, you’ve probably saved them from worse things than little injuries. For example, maybe you once desperately chased after them as they walked right, right up to the edge...
Nov 14, 2020 | Active Play, Being A Kid, Childplay, Children Playing, Clean Play, Creativity, Fun and Games, Indoor Activities, Indoor Fun, Indoor Play, Indoor Playground, Kids Having Fun, Kids Will Be Kids, Let Them Play, Open Play, Play, Play Ideas, Things To Do With Kids, Things to do with Kids in Utah, Utah Indoor Playground
After eight months of quarantine for most of us Utahns, you and your kids are probably looking around for some creative things to do this winter. Naturally, you want to keep kids actively playing all year round. But getting that exercise during the pandemic can be...
Mar 12, 2019 | Clean Play, Family Amusement Center, Family Entertainment Center, Family Recreation Center, Sanitary Play, Utah Indoor Playground
Image courtesy of https://www.cheapsnowgear.com/collections/mens-ski-socks-sale If you’ve been to Coconut Cove, you know that socks are a big deal to us. Nobody goes on the playground without socks on. Why do we find these fuzzy foot friends so fabulous? Here are 4...